Thursday, 29 November 2007

What do I feel?...

What do I feel when I see a dream come true? A dream dreamed years ago, on a night forgotten for everything else but what I saw with my eyes shut. And now, standing amid the ruins of an ancient abbey, with the damp grass beneath my feet, the river gurgling behind the trees, the sunbeams playing hop-scotch amid the foliage, with the warmth of summer on my back, I see the dream stretching ahead of me... waiting to be touched and transformed into reality.

What do I feel...



Unknown said...

i see the future, the future where u`d write a book, not very far, unless u fight the literary talents bak into the its present second place!....n i`d be de first to read : ), so confident?....affirmative!

Vasu said...

why do i feel like your reliving your Ireland trip when i read this..and when is your next post coming

Krishnapriya Tamma said...

Wow.. I can see Ireland through you eyes.. Its beautiful.. And you do a very good job.. You know, its so difficult to put feelings across on paper in such an effective manner.. Keep it up! :)